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Quickbase COVID-19 response: We’re here to support you!!

RichardWillett's avatar
Quickbase Staff
5 years ago

To the Quickbase community, 

I’d like to share some of what we’re doing to help address the challenges you’re all facing in response to the business disruption and community threats caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We recognize life and work are quite difficult for everyone right now, and we hope to make some things a little easier.  

You can stay up to date with the work we’re doing anytime here.

There are three things I’d like our customer community to know right now.  

We’re here to help you better use our platform. 

The Quickbase team AND the entire Quickbase community is here for you. We'll continue to work to exceed your expectations for support, expertise and resources. We're prepared to respond and react as your needs change—starting with providing templates for the most common emergency response applications on the Quickbase App Exchange and free Quickbase certification by using the code qbcares 

We’re here to help make a difference in your local communities. 

Quickbase is extending organizations on the front line of COVID-19, such as local and state governments, educators, nonprofits and healthcare providers, free access to COVID-19 response solutions through September 30. Sign up here, or share with any organization in your community that may need help. 

Our community is doing incredible things, and it’s making a difference. 

It has been uplifting to watch our community jump in to help and to keep business moving. We’ve seen hundreds of COVID-19 related applications come to life in this community in a matter of days. If you’re not already participating in our online community, join now here. 

Here are a few examples: 

·         One of the largest U.S. cities utilized Quickbase to immediately create a medical response hotline process. 

·         Orleans Parish created a digital process connecting New Orleans citizens with the emergency resources they needed.  

·         A global manufacturer started managing new compliance requirements across all its factory locations in days.  

·         An enterprise delivery services provider is tracking COVID-19 cases and assessing business impact in real time.  

The outbreak of COVID-19 is an unprecedented new reality for individuals and businesses across the globe. I’m thankful for all your efforts to help. We’re here to support you. Please let us know how we can help.  

For more information, visit our resource page. 

Thank you, 

Rick Willett 

CEO, Quickbase

Published 5 years ago
Version 1.0
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