Forum Discussion

Re: Convert comma separated values to new child records

It can be done with script or natively.

Natively, the only way I know is to set a maximum number of children to be created, perhaps a number under 50 as an Automation can only have 50 steps, unless you want to have one Automation trigger a second Automation to add more. Then use an Automation to add those children one by one.

Or else you will need to contact someone with scripting skills, perhaps Chase from Quandry who is quite active in the formula lately .

I see everything though a low code lens, so it it wuz me, I would just hunker down and would have it running in well under an hour. The fields to do the Parts would be very respective in format, so it�s just the brute force of copying the formula field and editing it slightly and then for the Automation, an Automation step can also be copied to make the slight adjustment for each step.

Not elegant, admittedly, but it�s no code and easy to maintain.

But it will not handle a data feed with unlimited parts to be added, so you would need to have a subscription or email to notify someone when data comes in with more Parts that the Automation can handle.
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