Forum Discussion

Re: getting highest value in a child's record

You have the Max Priority level up on the Parent.  Look that up down to the children and call it [Max Severity level].

Then make a summary of the Maximum (or minimum) Record ID# where the Severity level = [Max Severity level] and call it [Record ID# of the first (last) child w/ Highest Severity Level]. 

Then look that up down to the Children.

Then your flagged child will be determined by formula where where the [Record ID#] = [Record ID# of the first (last) child w/ Highest Severity Level]

Mark Shnier (YQC)
Quick Base Solution Provider
Your Quick Base Coach

1 Reply

  • SandraleeOster's avatar
    Qrew Trainee
    That worked perfectly!  Thank you so much!

    Sandralee Oster