Forum Discussion

Re: Display field of most recent child record?

A possible work around, while not entirely clean... create a formula field which will have [Foreign Key] as the contents... use this new formula field to make the summary field. Same values, but technically not from the parent table to begin with.

2 Replies

  • BrandonDavey's avatar
    Qrew Member
    Hi All, 

    So this was a very helpful discussion thread and I have 99% of this working for me, however, I am unable to pull the most recent data point when its a "user" field.  Is there a reason I cannot "summarize" a user field?

    Brandon Davey
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      Only a text type field can be summarized into a Combined Text Summary field.
      but np
      Create a text formula field called [User in text format]

      ToText([my userid field])

      Summarize that.

      Then convert it back to a User field on the Parent record with a formula user field.

      ToUser(ToText([My Combined text summary user field]))

      Mark Shnier (YQC)
      Quick Base Solution Provider
      Your Quick Base Coach