Forum Discussion

AustinK's avatar
Qrew Commander
2 years ago

Re: Can I copy an app and have the pipelines copy?

You need to go to the main Pipelines page and on the right hand side of each pipeline there is a more options/kebab menu there that you can click and then select "Export". This will give you a screen that contains the YAML of the pipeline. 

You can copy this YAML and edit it to do something else. In your case you would want to edit the part that holds the table and app information. It is formatted a specific way and you need to follow. If you app is called My App you would grab the table you want from there and note down it's ID and the line for table would look like this:

table: '"My App" <TableIDHere>'

You would need to change that anywhere that referenced the old table. Assuming your pipeline stayed the exact same otherwise it should just work for you when editing these. You may need to change what fields and field IDs it looks for as well. Very likely in fact unless you are just using the built in ones.
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