Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • ChrisChris's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    If the user is a registered user, a proper name will appear. If you see an email address in the users field, that particular user has not registered under that email address.
  • Hi Chris,
    Thanks for the quick reply.  Your solution would tell me whether the user was a Quick Base user, but I need to determine whether the user is a user of the application.  For example, they may have access to apps A, B, and C, but this is app D.  I want the formula to tell me that this user doesn't have access to this app.
  • Hi Chris,

    Unfortunately, there is not a formula function to call whether a user in the field has permissions in the current application. To store more information on a user that can then be called down into other tables in the past I have used a Resources or Employees table that has a record for each user that I can then add information to. You can even populate/update it by exporting your current User table as a CSV and then Importing in user name, role, and any other info you want from that CSV right into the Resources table. Then you can have a formula field that checks each user's role and if there role isn't set to none they are a user in the app. 

    Once I have that Resources table set up to track the user, their role, and their status of being an active user or not I make the user field in my Resources table the key field and then I can match it to any other table I want via a Relationship and the existing user field or another field set up to mirror the user picked in a field. It does change the application up a bit and requires some groundwork but does allow for storing info on whether a user is active in the app or their current role, etc. I hope this suggestion is helpful Chris.