Forum Discussion

EvanMartinez's avatar
Quickbase Staff
6 years ago

Quick Base Hauntings

With Halloween just around the corner we are throwing out a challenge to our community members with a slightly spooky twist. This time of the year as the season's change and night comes even earlier it is the perfect setting for a spooky story. Tell us one of your scary stories.

Here are a few suggestions for ideas:
1. What haunted process was making your workflow a horror story and what did you do to banish it? (Doesn't have to be QB related)
2. What is the scariest thing you or someone else has ever broken in an app and how did you fix it?
3. Have you ever worked in a business that was actually haunted?

Evan Martinez
Community Marketing Manager
Quick Base
  • I used to be the Cubmaster for a Pack in town.  I took the boys to visit and spend the night on a destroyer from WWII.  We were required to have at least one adult awake at all time which is called "fire watch" in the military.  Around 2am, several adults heard footsteps on the deck right above us and what sounded like "Taps" being played.  "Taps" is normally done at sundown and it was the middle of the night.  A few seconds later, a WWII captain comes into the sleeping area, looks around and leaves.  The committee chair and I decided that we would walk the ship and look for this captain but he was no where to be found.  I am convinced he was a ghost because I google the captain's for that ship and someone that looked exactly like him came up and he had died in 1943.

    Stephen Arnold
  • I used to work in a museum that was an old library. In the basement they stored a collection of rusty tools, stakes, etc. - the kind of stuff you'd see in a horror movie. Going down there every day to shut off the lights definitely got me my exercise as I ran from light switch to light switch! I also heard footsteps when I was the only one in there, and saw things out of the corner of my eye. Haunted? Probably.

    Kelly Hayes
    • EvanMartinez's avatar
      Quickbase Staff
      That is definitely creepy, especially hearing footsteps when nobody was there I would be most definitely be hustling when I turn off all the lights.

      Evan Martinez
      Community Marketing Manager
      Quick Base
  • It's always spooky to commit a change in a complex app! Never ship on a Friday!

    Alex Molochko
  • We have storage in the sub basement of our building. It smells weird, the lights flicker, it's easy to get lost in and there's no cell service. The building is old so there's no doubt it's haunted.

    Kelly Stine
  • Nothing as chilling as the other responses, but I was trying to streamline relationships in an app I manage. Thinking I had everything set, I delete a relationship, only to realize that I lost all the related data connection from that relationship.

    After a moment of sheer panic, I found a spreadsheet with most of the old related connections, so I created a grid edit report and re-related the records through the new relationship set up. It took time but in the end, I made a process better and a life lesson to be quadruple sure you are ready to delete a relationship (or anything) before I hit that button :)

    Jenni Murray
    Detroit MI
  • I worked in an old wire and shelving product factory and I was told of the story of a technician that worked in the building years before. Apparently the facility was home to the manufacture of the old Air & Space 18-A model gyroplane. The story was that the technician was working late alone trying to get caught up on his work and was somehow mysteriously beheaded by the blades of the gyroplane he was working on. The facility was home to several businesses thereafter and it was said that the man's ghost haunted the back building where the accident happened. People talked of hearing his voice, feeling cold air pass by them even though there were no windows, objects moving on their own, and strange sounds and apparitions. I never witnessed any of these, but I did get goosebumps when I had to go to the back building when all of the lights were off. I could never find any documentation to corroborate the story of the beheading, but there is plenty of documentation of the gyroplane manufacturing.

    Adam Keever
  • In the summer before my junior year in college I worked as an intern at the MA Dept of Mental Health main office in downtown Boston.  While it was largely geared toward administration, there were some areas where treatment was administered to patients and there were also areas where more serious treatment had been given to patients but were since abandoned.  Picture an entire inpatient floor of a hospital completely devoid of people, but everything else was pretty much there. an IT intern I was the one who had to fetch things for everyone, and we used those abandoned areas to store IT hardware.  Going up there to grab anything....monitors, keyboards, etc......was incredibly anxiety-inducing because not only were we convinced it was haunted, but that abandoned area was right next to the treatment area still in use and you could hear A LOT of screaming from patients.  I ran very fast, very often, that entire summer.

    Matt McNamara
  • I don't have any chilling stories like the ones posted, those stories are very entertaining and i'm glad that I have not had those experiences! Not a fan of scary things! I like to prevent scary things, like conducting thorough testing prior to deployment and following the security and governance guidelines!

    Janet Plumley
    Business Analyst and Rapid Application Development Manager
    CCI Systems, Inc.
    Iron Mountain, MI
  • LeeGilmore's avatar
    Quickbase Alumni
    1. I didn't properly process map and ended up with 43 roles. I also should have used Table Based Permissions (video in 2018 Empower in Quick Base University).

    2. Back when I was a customer, we were working with MCF for a Gantt tool. I was told not to delete a specific record in a back end table. Not soon after, I decided to do some data cleansing and deleted that one file. It sort of broke everything. Taught me to be much more careful and to re-read documentation.

    3. I grew up in Roswell, NM (ufo crash wiki) on a farm near a pet cemetery and lots of really old barns. Also had a lot of howling coyotes, so that always fun to run around in the complete dark.

    Lee Gilmore
  • We are currently working on a customer ticketing system to help track and manage customer requests (Status, changes, issue, ect..) It is estimated annually we get over half a million emails just from these request alone. This is managed by a team of 15 people which to me is definitely a scary processes.  THis is due to all of the CC and back and forth responses that we are going to be integrating into our ticketing system to clean up everyone's email.  Well hopefully at least.

    Derek Hutchinson
    Business Process Manager
    PSG Dover
    Grand Rapids, MI