Post-Network Qrew Meeting Notes 10/25/23
Hello Education/Non-Profit Network Qrew members!
Here is a quick recap of our meeting today:
Total Attendance: 20
Guest Speaker: Katie Wade from Front Porch, a non-profit specializing in programs support older people in the Bay Area and throughout the country with access to connection programs, nutrition, affordable housing, and creative aging resources.
Topic: How does Front Porch match volunteers with older people who are dealing with loneliness. Jen Driscoll volunteered to play a "volunteer" to go through the intake process that shows how an interviewer would use the custom forms and filtered reports to identify possible matches. This was the first time we've done a role-playing scenario and the audience thought it was a great way to follow along Front Porche's use case. Great job to Katie! BTW - If anyone can think of a clever name of her app, she is open to ideas!
Qrew Announcements
1) Quickbase is moving all meetings over to Microsoft team in November 1st, 2023. Keep an eye out for a new way to register for upcoming network meetings.
2) Two new Quickbase-led Qrew groups will be launching soon! App Builders Network rew will kick off on Thursday November 30th, and Mobile Users group is launching on January 17th! Events will be promoted on the Quickbase events page soon.
3) If you are interested in giving feedback and getting incentives for it, we still have a few opportunities for you:
- G2 Review get a $25 gift card
- Quickbase Marketing $5 gift card Use Case survey
- $50 gift card to interview with our UX expert on the new AI tools. If interested, reach out to me and I can make the introduction.
Link to today's session Passcode: yA%T5EwN
Attached to this is a copy of the meeting slide deck.
That is all for today! Our next meeting will be in early December. We are still hammering down the dates, but will notify you with the new Teams link to register soon.
Thank you for attending!
Esther LaVielle