Forum Discussion

LeahLangowski's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Add Logo to Quickbase Header

I'd like to add our company logo to the header area of Quickbase, but am having trouble.  If I use the 'Basic' option, the field to insert the logo is too short for the full URL.  With the 'HTML' option, I don't know where to put the file so it can be referenced.  Ideas?

Leah Langowski
  • KirkTrachy1's avatar
    Quickbase Staff

    I like uploading graphics to:

    Then capturing the link and insert it into the basic header.  Because it is hosted in an https site it will render for you.

    Alternatively, you could create an images table, upload a graphic and capture that URL (has to be https) but that also means you have to set all the roles and permissions to see that graphic stored in that table.  If you have a number of roles it kind of gets out of hand and you will some day forget when you are adding a new role and the graphic won't show for those people.

    Anyway, I find uploading to the link above easier and shorter.

    We cover things like this in our daily "Office Hours" webinars held each weekday (M-F) at 1pm Eastern.

    Kirk Trachy , Senior Solutions Consultant
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