Forum Discussion
5 years agoQrew Trainee
Just a bump here - does anyone have any wisdom to share about this? Can anyone confirm whether what I want to do is possible or I need to start thinking about other ways to add efficiency?
Hannah Jacobson
Hannah Jacobson
5 years agoQrew Trainee
Just trying to see where you're coming from. So what you want to do is invite a user then have the automation pull in their information to add to a table? If that is the case not sure how to do that however could suggest setting up a new user table then have that information jump out to other tables.
Joe Rachel
Just trying to see where you're coming from. So what you want to do is invite a user then have the automation pull in their information to add to a table? If that is the case not sure how to do that however could suggest setting up a new user table then have that information jump out to other tables.
Joe Rachel
- HannahJacobson5 years agoQrew TraineeSo we have an intake request that some people in a specific role fill out to request adding new members to the site. What I'd like to do is create automation to be kicked off when those requests come in that will:
1) invite the new user to the site, and
2) add a new record to an existing table, filling in information from the request form.
I think I know how to do step 2, but can't do it until step 1 has happened so that the new user exists before the new record on another table is created (the existing table uses a User field that must be populated).
Hannah Jacobson
------------------------------- JoeRachel5 years agoQrew TraineeLooks like you are going to have a two-step process there. The user will have to be in the system first. You may have to look to pipelines to solve this. Sorry I am not help here.
Joe Rachel
------------------------------- HannahJacobson5 years agoQrew TraineeThanks for your response, I appreciate it!
Hannah Jacobson
- AustinK5 years agoQrew CommanderI am fairly sure the first part could be done with a webhook and using the provisionuser api.
You would need a form for someone to fill out and have it contain the email, first name, last name, and role that you want them in.
I don't know if this is the best way but I am picturing an automation that watches for a new record to be created with the information above. Then it could create a record in another table that you want it to as well as ticking a checkbox that would set off the provisionuser api call webhook.
You just need to make sure that checkbox gets ticked and the api call happens before it adds the record to the other table. IT might just work if you force it to insert the email that isn't a user yet. They would show up as red, possibly, but it would work once they were a real user. I haven't actually tried this so it may not work at all but is worth exploring.
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