Forum Discussion

AdrianoVisconti's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Column Header in Table

Hi All
I have the name of a field in a database file like this: GEO_Continente_Sigla
When QuickTable creates the management forms of this file, the column header of the table shows exactly the name of the field, that is GEO_Continente_Sigla
Instead, I want the column name to be just "Sigla".
Is it possible to change the header of the table column without changing the name of the field on the database?

Adriano Visconti
  • No problem, go to the top of the table report and hover over the three dots in the black heading of the field name at the right.  There will be an option there to set the column heading to different words.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      Note that this can only be done on a report,  not a table home page itself.  So if you are using the default report you need to change the table home page to be a report and then override the column heading in the Report.  You cannot change the column heading in the default report.  You need to run a real report and adjust the column heading.

      Mark Shnier (YQC)