3 years agoQrew Trainee
Conditional Dropdowns, Cascading Dropdowns and Cascading Permissions
I have a budget application. In my budget application, I have Budget Areas, Accounts, Categories, and Expenses. I also have employees/budget managers. Basically, I want my budget managers to enter expenses on the expenses form. When they click on Area, I want them to see only areas that they are assigned to. Then, based on what area they choose, they can pick from a list of accounts. Based on the budget manager/area/account relationship, they see a limited number of categories. I think I probably need to add some sort of many to many assignment table. So for example, Mike is the budget manager for both Business Solutions and Administrative Services. When he goes to enter Expenses, he should only be able to see these two areas. Then, based on which area he sees, he will pick from a specific list of accounts related to that area and a specific set of categories that are related to that area/account combination. I've tried following the instructions for cascading dropdowns, as well as creating the "assignment" relationship and following the instructions in the Cascading Permissions videos and can't quite get the limitations to work the way I would like. I'm not sure if I need to do something with formulas or if I'm just haven't cascaded the correct lookups and/or using the correct reference/proxy fields in creating the conditional dropdowns. The employee in the employee table is a user field as I was hoping to be able to use that in the roles to limit areas, etc. I've attached the current structure --
Any suggestions are welcome.
Andrea Johannes
I have a budget application. In my budget application, I have Budget Areas, Accounts, Categories, and Expenses. I also have employees/budget managers. Basically, I want my budget managers to enter expenses on the expenses form. When they click on Area, I want them to see only areas that they are assigned to. Then, based on what area they choose, they can pick from a list of accounts. Based on the budget manager/area/account relationship, they see a limited number of categories. I think I probably need to add some sort of many to many assignment table. So for example, Mike is the budget manager for both Business Solutions and Administrative Services. When he goes to enter Expenses, he should only be able to see these two areas. Then, based on which area he sees, he will pick from a specific list of accounts related to that area and a specific set of categories that are related to that area/account combination. I've tried following the instructions for cascading dropdowns, as well as creating the "assignment" relationship and following the instructions in the Cascading Permissions videos and can't quite get the limitations to work the way I would like. I'm not sure if I need to do something with formulas or if I'm just haven't cascaded the correct lookups and/or using the correct reference/proxy fields in creating the conditional dropdowns. The employee in the employee table is a user field as I was hoping to be able to use that in the roles to limit areas, etc. I've attached the current structure --
Any suggestions are welcome.
Andrea Johannes