Forum Discussion

KejiDalemo's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Custom Embedded Reports in Different Tables


I want to embed a custom report from one table (table 1) into another table (table 2), the two tables have a relationship and table 1 is the child of table 2. I've looked at all the available guidance and I'm confused. Also, more generally but related, is there a way that all the customs reports in a table can appear as an option to become an embedded report in another table i.e. when you go to form settings/elements... I don't understand what one is supposed to do with the 'report link field' and which field ( in the custom report?) is supposed to made into a report link field.

Thank you.

Keji Dalemo

2 Replies

  • Report Link fields are typically used as a Form Element when viewing a single record on a  form so that you can see the children of a Parent Record right in the Parent Record.

    Suppose you  have an application with two tables. One project has many tasks. 

     Typically there will be a Report Link link field called Tasks which is configured to match up the value in the Record ID# field the Project with the value in the Related Task field in the Tasks table.

     If you put that Report Link  Field on the form of the project then when viewing a single project record on a form you will see an embedded report of all the tasks. You also have an opportunity on the form to select the report which is being used for the embedded report. Most commonly this embedded report is not a filtered report. But the report link filled with automatically filter so that only the test for that particular project will appear on the project record. 

    I should also mention that it is not necessary to have a relationship to use a report link field. The report link field simply wants to run a report and will match up the values two fields which are configured in its properties.

     Give it a try and post back if you have any more questions. 


    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • KejiDalemo's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Hello Mark,

      Thank you for your response. I subsequently noticed that I had the option to embed the custom reports for another table and looked in properties of the report link and found that the field relationship was incorrect, I corrected to 'table 1: Related table' and it worked. 

      Many thanks again.

      Keji Dalemo