Forum Discussion

SpencerChaffee's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Field Formula help

Hey there,

I am looking for some help in turning this excel based formula into something quickbase can handle. It is pretty disappointing that Quickbase does not allow AND/OR operators in your syntax. I am essentially looking to have my formula multiply the user's inputted share change and if it falls between -4 and 4, multiply that input by the weight I have assigned in another column. If the user's input falls outside of the -4 and 4 range, I want to multiply their input by the weight but then divide by 2.

I have tried using the CASE formula but for some reason it won't let me use > or = signs. Is there any way around this that I am missing?


Spencer Chaffee
  • Quickbase does easily handle and and ors.  Lately it wants then in lower case.  I can't read your screen shot but if you copy and paste your formula as text as an update to this thread, then I can assist.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • SpencerChaffee's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Sorry about that. It looked bigger when I pasted.
      Here is the formula:

      IF(and([fy22 mkt share chg vs ya]>=-4,[fy22 mkt share change vs ya]<=4), [fy22 mkt share chg vs ya]*[weight],([fy22 mkt share chg vs ya]*[weight]/2))

      Spencer Chaffee
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        try this

        [fy22 mkt share chg vs ya]>=-4 and [fy22 mkt share change vs ya]<=4,
          [fy22 mkt share chg vs ya]*[weight],
          [fy22 mkt share chg vs ya]*[weight]/2)

        Mark Shnier (YQC)