Forum Discussion

AshleyHarris's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Formula Checkbox based on Text-Multiple Choice

I need help with a formula for a Formula - Checkbox field.

When the value in a Text-Multiple Choice is Yes then Check the Box. 

This is where I am currently at. I'm getting an error on the "Yes". 

IF(Contains(ToText([Registered Agent for any Entity]),Yes) = true)

Ashley Solomon
  • Try this: 

    IF([Registered Agent for any Entity] = "Yes", true)

    Kaitlyn Stanley
  • You can do this

    IF([Registered Agent for any Entity] = "Yes", true)

    but you can also simply do this. 

    [Registered Agent for any Entity] = "Yes"

    for the latter simplified formula you are essentially making a statement and Quickbase will come back and tell you if what you have said is true.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • AshleySolomon's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Thank you both. Both options work perfectly. 

      Ashley Solomon