5 years agoQrew Cadet
Get HTML from Web Page DOM using Data from QB fields
I have a database of patents. Each record includes a patent number field, a claim number field, and a claim field. I want to extract the corresponding text of the patent claim from Google Patents using the patent number and claim number. I've written code in VBA that performs this function to populate a spreadsheet (which I import and merge by record ID). I figure it would be better to directly pull the data from Google patents.
I've more or less figured out the DOM for Google patents. Here is the relevant VBA code.
--patno is the patent number. It's alphanumeric string CCnnnnnnn where CC is country code string "US", "EP". I use the country code extract to select how to pull the data from Google patents, since the DOMs for countries are different.
--claimnumber is the number of the claim to be extracted.
--claim is the text.
I've more or less figured out the DOM for Google patents. Here is the relevant VBA code.
--patno is the patent number. It's alphanumeric string CCnnnnnnn where CC is country code string "US", "EP". I use the country code extract to select how to pull the data from Google patents, since the DOMs for countries are different.
--claimnumber is the number of the claim to be extracted.
--claim is the text.
url = "" & patno & "/en" ' Fetch page at URL With CreateObject("WINHTTP.WinHTTPRequest.5.1") .Open "GET", url, False .send patent.body.innerHTML = .responseText End With Set pElements = patent.getElementsByClassName("claim") Set pElement = pElements(claimNumber) claim = pElement.innerText
Once I have claim as text, I would save it to the relevant field. For purposes of discussion assume my QB uses the same field names (patno, claimnnumber, claim).
What would the equivalent javascript and QB code be for something like this?
I've done lots of searching in the QB community and have found only a couple discussions of using js to pull data from other website, but nothing I felt I could generalize.