Forum Discussion

JackWoods's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

Groups & Emails Records in Quickbase

Hey Quickbase Community, 

I seem to have an issue with Groups and the company name in my app. I used a sample app to build out my application and that seem to come around a bit me in terms of groups. the company that I'm in is called J.Lodge for some reason and this group is the default selection when someone tries to email records out in the app. additionally, I can't seem to update the name or company of the group in my app. I Just want to be able to change the default group and company name in my. I also want to limit my users to be able to only email people that are users in the app.

Please let me know a help article or a way to update the settings in my app. Thank you.

Jack Woods
  • The way that your users are sending emails doesn't really give you the ability to control who they email the record to. What you may want to think about is putting some process in place where the user has to create a Child record and select a User from a User field that is set to only include those users you allow emails to be sent to. Or possibly, if your process is simple enough, you could always have a User field - maybe an "Assigned To" field directly on the record. Your users could edit that record, select a User, and then on Saving, you could have an Email Notification set to automatically send to the user selected in that field.

    Blake Harrison
    DataBlender - Quick Base Solution Provider
    Atlanta GA
    404.800.1702 /
    • JackWoods's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      I understand what you're saying. This does encourage more in app users vs. emailing records around and never getting users inside. This is also a nice work around for what I'm trying to accomplish and I think you bring up some valid options. 

      This still doesn't explain how I have a company and/or group name called J.Lodge in my app and how I can't alter or update it. Would you know how to at least change the name? I would like to repurpose the functionality at the very least and take full advantage.

      Jack Woods
      • BlakeHarrison's avatar
        Qrew Captain
        It's possible that someone did this in error, but you can update the Company name by following this path:
        • My Apps
        • Manage My Account (on the right side of the screen)
        • Click the company name at the bottom of the screen
        • Select 'Edit Company Name'
        If you don't have access to this, you may have to either reach out to the internal account owner at your company or reach out to the Care team to see what next steps need to be taken to get it corrected.

        Blake Harrison
        DataBlender - Quick Base Solution Provider
        Atlanta GA
        404.800.1702 /