Forum Discussion

BobFaulk's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

How to create a field that provides the recent user log info

How do I create a formula that will retrieve the most recent user and date log out of a notes field and put that in a separate field so we can see who was the last one to communicate in the notes and the date?

Bob Faulk
  • Parsing Append Only Fields

    so... if you have a text field set to Log Changes where the new entries act in the default manner which is to be at the bottom of the updates, here are some formuals to use to parse out the values from the most recent entry.  I am also assuming that you are logging the date and not the date and time.

    Most recent value (formula text field type)

    Trim(Right([my update field],"]"))

    Date of most recent update (this needs to be a formula date field)

    ToDate(Left(Right([my update field],"["),9))

    Who did the most recent update (formula text field type)

    Trim(NotLeft(Left(Right([my update field],"["),"]"),9))

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • BobFaulk's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Hi Mark, Thank you. The formula works but its returning the oldest note stamp instead of the most recent. Also I used this formula...

      Trim(NotLeft(Left(Right([my update field],"["),"]"),9))

      and it also cut off the date which is something I needed so I went to this and at least it gave me the date even though I still need the most recent entry but here it is...

      Trim(Left(Right([Call Notes],"["),"]"))

      What should I change to get the most recent?

      Bob Faulk
    • BobFaulk's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Just figured it out...

      Trim(Left([my update field],"]"))

      Thanks again!

      Bob Faulk
      • BobFaulk's avatar
        Qrew Member
        I have another question...How to I take that date I extracted and now turn it into the number of days from that last contact to today?

        Bob Faulk