Forum Discussion

FerasAlramli's avatar
Qrew Member
5 years ago

Locking edit record depend on condition

Hi Guys, 

I want to stop the record edit when project status complete.

Thanks for your help.

Feras Alramli

2 Replies

  • Hi Feras,

    There are a few different ways to lock down editing a record based on your set up. For example if you only want a specific role to have this restriction you can go into your users table, and select Manage Roles. Then you can go into the role you want to restrict permissions for (for example lets say you want to restrict your team members). When you are in their role you can edit the criteria for when they can view or modify records table by table. So lets say you wanted to make a rule so that your Team Members can't edit a Project on your Projects table if its status is complete. You would go into the dropdown next to our Projects table under Modify and select Custom Rule. Then it that rule you could set it up to say that Team Members can only modify records when the status is not equal to complete. Then you have your Team Members unable to edit complete records but you as an admin and other roles if you want could still edit. That would be the most straightforward way if that would work for your process. I hope this suggestions is helpful Feras.

    Evan Martinez
    Community Marketing Manager
    Quick Base
    • FerasAlramli's avatar
      Qrew Member
      When I read your answer ,I got a big ahhhhhhhh . How I don't think of this solution even thou I used role before.

      Thanks a lot.

      Feras Alramli