Forum Discussion

Franz_Josephde_'s avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

REST API Updating a Key Field Value


I am using this REST API for updates:
The issue I am trying to resolve is when I update a table with a non Record ID as the key field I am getting this error message:
Unknown error: You cannot include the record ID if it is not the key field.

Example: An Employee table with an "Employee ID" as the key field. If there is an error with the Employee ID that needs correction, how do I use the REST API to update the key field Employee ID if I cannot use the Record ID via the API?
  • Hi Franz,

    Is your key field a manual entry field you created and made the key field that is totally different field from Record ID in Quickbase or did you rename your Record ID field to be Employee ID by chance?

    Evan Martinez
    • Franz_Josephde_'s avatar
      Qrew Member
      Evan, this is a totally different field that is made as a key so there is also a Record ID field in the table.

      Franz DL