Forum Discussion

EstherLaVielle's avatar
Quickbase Staff
16 days ago

January 2024 Pipelines Qrew Meet Up Recap

Hello Pipelines Qrew!

Thank you to all who were able to attend Wednesday’s Meet Up. Here’s what we discussed:

  1. Georgi presented three new AI-powered features for Quickbase's Smart Builder: pipeline creation, field mapping suggestions, and an open AI channel.
  2. Stasha showcased improvements to Quickbase's Connection Central, including better visibility, security, and flexibility for pipeline management. She also shared a new "Quick Start" feature that can make certain pipelines start in under 1 second, a big improvement to time and efficiency!
  3. Sasha and Andrew demonstrated the new HTTP channel, showing how to set up OAuth2 connections and make API calls with custom error handling.
  4. During the Q & A sections, customers requested more flexibility in the Copy Records pipeline step to associate child records with parent records and expressed interest in more advanced filtering and Jinja capabilities within pipelines.

If you missed the meeting, here’s the recording link:


HTTP Channel info


Connection Central

And finally, if you didn’t take the Pipeline survey, here’s the link to share feedback on the items we shared in our meeting:

Our next Pipelines Qrew Meet Up will be on Wednesday 2/12 at 12pm EST. Wes McAda from Versar will be sharing a Running Totals demo with the audience which includes an easy, intermediate, and advanced solution to consider.

Register and login here

Thank you and have a good afternoon.

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