Pipelines Qrew Meet Up Oct 18th - What Does This Qrew Want to Do?
Hey Everyone, For those of you who attended the August 28th Pipelines meetup, some of this will be a repeat. Quickbase is hosting a virtual end user conference in October. We're calling it EmpowerPro. On day 4, we'll have a Pipelines Qrew Meetup. What are some ideas for what we can do with our hour together on October 18th? Here are some ideas that were shared in the chat of the Aug 28th call: Pipelines and Versioning, Version Control, ALM, Sandboxes, etc Service Accounts, how to use them, what to do about transitioning existing pipelines ownership over to Service Accounts Pipelines Error Messages: What Do They Mean, What Should I Do When I See Them? There may be others I've missed but these appear to be the top three categories of what people are wanting more of. What do we think? Let's also keep in mind that for many individuals, the October Pipelines Meet Up will be their firsttime interacting with this Qrew. I personally like the idea of breaking down different error messages since if I were an end user that would be super frustrating to deal with. But all three of these are valuable topics that I'm sure would make for a meaningful meet up. Share your thoughts, please. I want this session to be designed based off feedback from The Qrew.38Views1like0CommentsFile Attachment Type Issue
When using the Send Email with Attachments action in a pipeline, I'm using the file_transfer_handle value for the URL field. When this action is triggered, the email is sent to the recipient with the attachment, however, the file type is lost and therefore the recipient has to explicitly specify the file type when saving the document which is not ideal. What do I need to do to preserve the file type so that if the attachment in the record is of PDF type and the pipeline sends an email with that attachment, the recipient sees a PDF attachment in their email. Thanks!8Views0likes0CommentsUpcoming Pipelines Customer Network Meeting: Wednesday August 28th, 2024 at 12pm EST
Hope you all had a great summer break in July! Just a quick heads up that the Pipelines Customer Network Meeting is starting back up in August 2024. Agenda for Wednesday 8/28/24 at 12pm EST: Jeff Hosack and Chris Vaska from Ensono will share their Pipeline use case helped standardize the customer experience for their disaster recovery drill program. Click here to register for the upcoming Pipelines Customer Network Meeting Click here to register and login to the Pipelines Customer Network Meeting12Views0likes0CommentsPipelines Qrew Discussion Question - Week 1
Happy summer break, Pipelines Qrew! I have a questions for you to help me answer: What kind of technical use cases would you like to see in detail from a Quickbase expert? Example: How to run a Pipeline using a CSV file Tips on using Jinja in Pipelines When are formulas helpful in a Pipeline? Let's start a discussion and share your thoughts below!15Views0likes0CommentsJune 2024 Post-Pipelines Customer Network Meeting Recap
Hello Pipelines Network Qrew! Thank you to all who attended the Pipelines Customer Network meeting on June 2024. Here’s a recap of the meeting: Daniel Bewley, Director of IT at Signet Health, showed us how he created a Pipeline that autogenerates custom surveys for various locations in his organization. He also demonstrated how he created a monthly automated email with important information with Pipelines and a Jinja expression. It was very received by the audience and folks had a lot of great questions and thoughts around his use case. Great job, Daniel! Attached to this post is the YAML that Daniel shared in the chat yesterday. You will be able to grab the formulas used and experiment with your own Pipelines. If you have any questions about the YAML, please let us know. July Customer Networks are on Summer Break and returning in August 2024. Meet me at the Pipelines Discussions page to network and ask questions among the group. I will be there to monitor and post questions every week in July. And as always, if you have a Pipelines use case that you are proud of and would like to share, please reach out to Manny or me and we’ll be happy to connect. Thank you and have a wonderful summer! I’ll message everyone again at the end of July with our finalized August agenda.10Views0likes0CommentsJuly 2024 Pipelines Customer Network Meeting is Cancelled
Hello Pipelines Network Qrew! Due to busy summer schedules in July among our customers, we are cancelling ALL Customer Network meetings for the Month of July. We will be holding discussions on the Qrew Discussions group page during this time. If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to EstherLaVielle Thank you and have a wonderful summer!7Views0likes0CommentsSharepoint pipeline channel add list item issue
Hi all, Great meeting the other day, hearing everyone talking and on the chat, I'm hoping there are some real experts here as I'm having some trouble with the sharepoint channel in pipelines. I'm trying to create a new sharepoint list item when a record is created with a pipeline. Right now, it works fine to create the item, using some fields. However, if I try to send any data to a Hyperlink field in sharepoint the api request to sharepoint fails. Also, if I send email address to a person field in sharepoint it doesn't error but also it doesn't get filled out. I know in a normal api request to sharepoint the hyperlink field is special in that it wants a url and link text, so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to do something special in pipelines to get it to work. ------------------------------ Greg Vasquez ------------------------------36Views1like0CommentsOctober Pipelines Meeting Agenda Announcement
Hi Pipelines Peeps! Our next Pipelines Customer Network Qrew Meeting is on Tuesday, October 24th @ 12pm EST. This meeting will be all about Bulk Upserts! ------------------------------ Caroline Stuart-Freas ------------------------------11Views0likes0CommentsQuestion Regarding Alex's Trained Model Example
Hi Caroline, I wanted to ask if by chance you or Alex could share which platform Alex was using to build out the QuickBase chat bot, that he show cased prior to the AI Builder. As I am interested in leveraging the same type of functionality to train a chat bot. ------------------------------ Carlos Meza ------------------------------Solved39Views0likes2Comments
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About Pipelines Qrew
A Qrew dedicated to sharing all things Pipelines.Owned by: MannyDe_La_CruzCreated: 6 months ago
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