Forum Discussion

JimHarrison's avatar
Qrew Champion
2 years ago

January 24th Qrew Meetup Notes

The Portland Qrew meeting was Wednesday January 24th at 3PM. The location (as always with gratitude) Harder Mechanical Contractor Offices. Attendees were Lee Gilmore, Esther LaVielle, Elena L, Jen C, Oh and me.

Elena gave a presentation on the conclusion of the work done at the December collaborative meetup.

In December we worked on a Date Range problem. The problem was to identify matching records on a table that fall within the same date range and do something around a quantity (numeric value) field. (two date fields per record - two records, limited quantities). The date range comparison includes any of these options where there is overlap: (before to during, during to during, before to after, during to after) where the record with the formula query is compared to all other records in the table to find a match. That's the gist of it as best as I can explain it without an editor. 

At the last meeting we went over Formula Queries, the theory of filter logic (order of operations) etc. and poked at the formula query Elena had started from different perspectives. Near the end of the meeting and several tries, Jen mentioned something that solved the problem and Elena was able to write the filter to meet all the date range requirements. Success!

Yesterday Elena talked about the solution and how well it is working. She then showed us around the App a little and talked about what's next. Thanks to @Elena Larrabee for presenting on the fly. 

After Elena's presentation, we talked about exporting Pipelines to YAML to import into a service account. @Lee Gilmore mentioned he has a working solution for this process. We are planning a Qrew meetup where we go through the steps together.

We also briefly looked at the Gantt plug-in. We began with how to install and configure the plug-in and then what can be done with its features. Lee mentioned he has some experience working with the Gantt Plug-In and with that it was decided he is going to give a presentation.

With the presentation, general conversation and questions concluded, we headed over to the Pocket Pub for refreshments. We all really like the Pocket Pub.

Jim Harrison
transparency = knowledge + understanding : The Scrum Dudes
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