Forum Discussion

KristaSibery's avatar
Qrew Cadet
9 months ago

Add client's email domain to user list

I am trying to add the email domain for a client to view all their data, QuickBase articles says I can do this, but I am not having success in doing so. I have tried adding the email domain in the app itself and in the user list. How do I go about add the email domain?

Krista Sibery

2 Replies

  • I believe the only support can add a domain to your realm. But I believe you have to show that you own that domain so I don't think that strategy is going to work for andding all of your clients domains to your realm.   

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
  • You could, however, set up a table of domains yourself, and then use a formula based on the current users email to have your tables be aware that the current user is among the domains listed. If you need some help implementing that I can explain further.  

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)