Forum Discussion

BrandonPorter's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Add multiple employees time to a single time card

I would like to create a "time card" table and form that allows me to enter a project, task, and then choose the employees from a connected table.  Easy enough, but the trick is that I would like to be able to choose an additional employee on another line in the same form, that would have its own hours assigned but who's record would otherwise contain the same project info as the first employee selection.  The idea is for a foreman in the field to be able to open the "enter time card" form and enter the daily time for a bunch of employees at once, each of whom might have different hours.  Help!

4 Replies

  • No problem.

    You have a relationship where 1 Forman has many Time cards.  So that is good.
    Next you need to have a relationship where 1 Time card has Many employees.  They can be then shown in an embedded report in grid edit mode where the foreman can enter the employee names and the time all on that one form.

    You can also use the Copy Master detail wizard helper to make a button to copy the Forman's Time Card as it is likely that the Foreman often has a similar crew to a previous day, so that would copy the Foreman, and the crew on that time card in one click.
  • Are you referring to a grid edit report embedded into the form?  How do I do that?
  • Yes, Grid edit on a form.  You can allow an embedded report to be editable on the form by checking the "editable" check box on the form properties for the report link field of the embedded time entries.

    As for use on a mobile phone, there are two interfaces available, the regular desktop version and the mobile and you can switch back and forth on a phone.

    But I don't believe that there is Grid Edit available on the mobile version.  So you will need to try it out and decide which would work best for your users.  it may also depend on how large a phone they have, like is it an iPhone 4 or a massive phablet size phone, or something in between,  or a small tablet.