Forum Discussion

BryanBryan's avatar
Qrew Member
8 years ago

Adding new users.

I have been trying to add a 2 new users but I never receive the verification email. We have created the users and try numerous time. Any insight would be appreciated.
  • MarkShnier__You's avatar
    3 years ago
    If you invite a new user into your app and put them into a proper roll, then you can just manually email that user an email and say hey, here's a link to the app. I just give them a link to the homepage of the app. They don't need to receive the invitation to get into the registration process of setting their password.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
  • Double check your cap and make sure you haven't maxed out your subscriptions allowed # of users.
  • I never heard is a maximum number of uses. I suggest that you just invite the users to an app or just send them a link to the app and that will force them to Register.
  • Over the last couple of years, I've had a number of headaches and unexplainable behavior around this issue. It might not be QuickBase that is the issue. I think that Gmail was blocking the delivery some of the "alias" email addresses we used to use to manage things in QB with our outsourced partner users. I was never able to prove this, but found a work-around in just switching to using our partners' actual email addresses (which are outside of our domain - and used to be a functionality issue in QB). Try some tests by inviting some different email addresses from different domains and see what evidence you can collect. QB support will be more helpful if you do this first and can point out some obvious anomalies to them.
    • MCFNeil's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Yeah, the invites often get filtered to spam in my experience.
    • MichaelBarrow's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Yes, that's what I though was happening, but I never could find anything in spam. They just didn't ever show up anywhere.
    • LaurieAnderson's avatar
      Qrew Member
      We are having the same issue.  We can not add a new user to our application.  We have checked spam in the inbox as well as the filters in gmail.

      We have reached out to support and have not yet been able to chat with someone.  We just received an auto email on how to add a new user.

      Can you explain how you were able to get the partners' actual email addresses?  

      Laurie Anderson
      • JeremyMyer's avatar
        Qrew Trainee
        QB also has a feature whereby if an email bounces back undeliverable, the email is put on a do not send list. No matter how many times you try to resend the invite, it will not go.  If you put in a help ticket and ask them to take that email off the do not send list, it'll immediately start working.  

        I've run into this with new hires, IT has not set up their email account yet, but I get them set up in QB, and the system is trying to send notifications to a user who isn't ready.  

        Unfortunately as a realm admin, there is no published list of your domain's undeliverable email addresses to keep an eye on.

        Jeremy Myer