Forum Discussion
Can you explain what fields you have?
Is this correct?
Service Type
Amount Field 1
Amount Field 2
If so, make a formula numeric field:
var number TotalAmount = [Amount Field 1] + [AmountField 2];
([Service Type] = "Reconstruction" or [Service Type]= "Dry Out") and $TotalAmount > XXX,
Mike Tamoush
- ChrisBreault11 months agoQrew Member
There's a field that has Service Types that's labeled "Service Type" the two types of data that need to be combined are Reconstruction and Dry Out.
Service Type Earned
Reconstruction AmountX
Dryout AmountXI'm trying to combine the dryout and reconstruction totals and only show the ones that are greater than or equal to 1100 in a new report or filter.
Chris Breault
------------------------------- MikeTamoush11 months agoQrew Commander
OK near as I can tell the Service Type is irrelevant here.
You can simply make a formula numeric field called [Dryout and Reconstruction Total] where the formula is simply:
[Reconstruction] + [Dryout]
Then in a report, under filters:
[Dryout and Reconstruction Total] is greater than or equal to the value 1100
Mike Tamoush
------------------------------- ChrisBreault11 months agoQrew Member
Does it matter that Reconstruction And Dry Out are on their own separate entry? The service type identifies the type of service being billed.
Chris Breault