Forum Discussion

MontgomeryHepne's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 years ago

Adding URL link from an image library

The process of adding images to the left or right element is very straight forward through branding. I have a table that stores my images in my app [Pictures]. When I copy the link to add it to my Header's right element l....

QB is chopping off the last bit of the address to read:

I cannot manually add in the rest of the URL either. Any ideas what is occurring?


3 Replies

  • hhersch's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    I think there is just a maximum length of the file name. Try shortening.
  • So here is a related issue..this is bizarre

    I added the referenced image to my header and other than squishing it worked fine. Then I decided to see how it would appear in the footer. Now, it took over the entire interface. I can no longer even access the branding area to remove it. Without having to kill this app is there any way someone may know to bypass, kill or otherwise get it out of my way so i can edit the footer settings? Just to be clear I can select the App Home area but as soon as it loads I only get the footer image.