Forum Discussion

CarlaMarasco's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

aging based on invoice date

How do I create a formula that calculates how old an item is based on date (ex. aging based on invoice date or aging based on due date)

1week old
2 weeks (etc)

30 days
60 days (etc)

2 Replies

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    If you create a "formula duration" field, you can then add a simple formula to subtract the difference between 2 dates.

    If its a Date/Time field, like [Date Created] use:
    Now()-[Date Created]

    If it is a Date only field, use:

    or if you need to convert a Date/Time to just date, use:
    Today()-ToDate([Date Created])

    By default, formula duration fields use 'smart units'.  But you can change that to weeks or days as desired.

    Matthew Neil - Product Specialist
  • Typically its a formula like this.

    var number AGE = ToDays([Today()-[Invoice Date]);

    [AGE] < 30, "Current",
    [AGE] < 60, "30+",
    [AGE] < 90, "60+", "90+")