Forum Discussion
re this: If I do a form rule, I can't do one for each role as the rules conflict for making fields read only since the fields would be in each form rule.
You should be able to do this with Form rules. You should be able to make a separate rule for each field. Set a form rule for under what conditions that field is editable.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
- AmyGosz12 years agoQrew Trainee
That doesn't seem possible since I can't say: If user is ICP role and ICP approved is checked -or- If user is ICM role and ICM approved is checked -or- if user is PMA role and PMA is checked -or- if user is PM and PM approved is checked, then make read only..
- . Form rules do not allow for this type of logic. If ICP approves, then ICP should not be able to edit certain field, but all the other roles goes up the chain and each role needs to become read only for certain fields after they have approved.
Amy Gosz
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
OK, so when the logic is too complex then you need to make a formula checkbox field called like [OK to edit XYZ field?].
You can use the UserRoles function to evaluate the Role(s) that the user is in.
For example
would be true if the current user is in Role #12. You get the Role ID from looking at the URL when you view a Role.
Here is a link to the help on that UserRoles function.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- AmyGosz12 years agoQrew Trainee
Thank you Mark....I believe I got this to work. Appreciate your input!
Amy Gosz