Forum Discussion

ChadBrandmire's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
6 years ago

Any one have any success using iframe tags in a formula - rich text?

I'm trying to use a iframe tag in a formula - rich text field but no matter what i do it will on read it as text no HTML. Is iframe not a supported tag in QB? What formatting do i need to use to accommodate for rich text?
Any help input is appreciated 

1 Reply

  • The iframe tag itself is not supported within the rich text formula field, but there's a workaround.

    1. Create a URL field (or URL Formula - whatever you prefer) and enter the URL that should go in the src property of the iframe tag.  Remember to use an embeddable URL where applicable (YouTube, etc.).

    2. Use your existing Rich Text Formula field with the iframe tag, but for the src, use the URL field that you just created. When you save this and put it on a form, it will still look like you're having the same problem, where the iframe tag displays as text rather than html.

    Ex. "<iframe height=\"650px\" width=\"1200px\" src=\""&[URL]&"\"></iframe>"

    3. Create a report link field. Under "Field relationship", under "Match the values in this
    field from this table" choose the rich text formula field with the iframe tag. Then next to that, choose Select Target, find the app that you're in, then the table and rich text formula field again.

    4. Add the report link to your form. Leave the behavior as the default "Display just a link." When you open the form, you should be able to see whatever your'e trying to embed.