Forum Discussion
Qrew Legend
2 years agoYour syntax is incorrect. For example
& "&_fid_199=" & URLEncode("Accept")
you need & before the parameter.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
- AdamKirchhoff2 years agoQrew Member I can't believe I ended up pushing this to the community - usually I would have found that by now LOL
It's the double ampersands - you just helped me very much, and I feel like a noob.
Thank you so much, Mark!
Adam Kirchhoff
------------------------------ - MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
Yes, and & can be confusing. They are used in two completely different ways in the syntax.
One use is concatenation similar to Excel to join two text strings together.
The other use is inside the quotes to indicate that s parameter follows.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)