Forum Discussion

QuickBaseAdmi10's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

API_GetUserRole | Multiple Roles


Hopefully this is simple for a jinja2 master.

I have a pipeline that is running the API_GetUserRole. 

I have everything working, except for when a user has multiple roles. When that happens, I get a blank value for role_id and role_name. I shortened the jinja2 to pull all data so I can see what is happening. Here is the jinja2 to pull everything:

{{ b.json.qdbapi.user.roles }}

Here is the output on the QuickBase record:

OrderedDict([(u'role', [OrderedDict([(u'@id', u'45'), (u'name', u'Claims - Processor (Incela/Hawaii Legacy)'), (u'access', OrderedDict([(u'@id', u'3'), ('#text', u'Basic Access')]))]), OrderedDict([(u'@id', u'55'), (u'name', u'EUTF Add/Edit'), (u'access', OrderedDict([(u'@id', u'3'), ('#text', u'Basic Access')]))])])])

This is what I hope to accomplish and see within the record:

Role_ID: 45 ; 55

Role_Name: Claims - Processor (Incela/Hawaii Legacy) ; EUTF Add/Edit

This was my last attempt at Jinja which output the value of "No roles assigned":

{% if b.json.qdbapi.user.roles %}
    {% if b.json.qdbapi.user.roles.role %}
        {{ b.json.qdbapi.user.roles.role['@id'] }}
    {% else %}
        Role ID not available
    {% endif %}
{% else %}
    No roles assigned
{% endif %}

Any ideas?

QuickBase Administrator2

  • Is it still working when you have a single user role? My suggestion would be to change up how you're trying to evaluate if its a single or multi use case by checking if the data type is a mapping. So in the case of someone who only has 1 role if you do the following: 

    {{b.json.qdbapi.user.roles.role is mapping}} will return TRUE because the format is a mapping object

    Where as the same check for a user with multiple roles will return FALSE because the data type is a List 

    Chayce Duncan
    • ShaneMiller1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Hey Chayce, 

      Good to talk to you again. So I was able to find a work-around for this, but I'm down another rabbit hole with a similar issue that may be easier since you use and are familiar with this API.

      Firstly, so that I can help anyone down the road, here is the code to loop through the role id in the case there are multiple:

      {% set roles =  b.json.qdbapi.user.roles.role %}
      {% set separator = "; " %}
      {% for role in roles %}
        {{ role['@id'] }}
        {% if not loop.last %}{{ separator }}{% endif %}
      {% endfor %}

      This creates a wonky output, but I fixed that by adding a formula - multi-select text field with a formula of:

      Split([Role ID (Generated by Pipelines)], ";")

      Now I can easily see both Role ID's. This works for the role names as well, and keeps them in the same order as the ID's as long as you don't have a ';' within the role name of course.

      Now for my hopefully easier issue. Are you familiar with how to pull the access name and access id from the api response?

      Shane Miller
      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        How you 'use' it will ultimately depend on how you're passing it into QB but the actual task of getting to the object itself is just a matter of continuing the JSON path through to the access object. So if in the case of a single user/role you would just have json.qdbapi.user.roles.role.access["@id"] and json.qdbapi.user.roles.role.access["#text"]. 

        In the case of your loop you still do the same thing - just role.access["#text"] or role.access["@id"]

        Chayce Duncan