Hi Gelo,
Glad you got it sorted. FWIW, this should be pretty straightforward to accomplish. You'd just need to create your funnel grouping field, something like Application Status and make it a Formula - Text. Then create the logic based on your 5 date fields that indicate your Application Status. Lots of ways to do this...nested If statement, a Max formula, etc. Others may have a more elegant solution but I'd start with something like:
var number Received = If(isNull([Application Received]),0,1);
var number Approved = If(isNull([Application Approved]),0,2);
var number Stips = If(isNull([Awaiting Stips]),0,3);
var number Cleared = If(isNull([Cleared to Close]),0,4);
var number Closed = If(isNull([Loan Closed]),0,5);
var number Status = Max($Recieved, $Approved, $Stips, $Cleared,$Closed);
1, "Application Received",
2, "Application Approved",
3, "Awaiting Stips",
4, "Cleared to Close",
5, "Loan Closed"
You may want different Status cases, e.g. If Received = 1, "Awaiting Approval" or something like that.
Chris Wheatley