Forum Discussion

HannahEngelson's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Assign related record in other table

I'm trying to build a mentor tracking app for our employee group. I have a table of new hires and a table of mentors. Currently, I go in to edit the existing record and "assign" the mentor to the new hire using the related text lookup. I'm wondering if there is a way to add a link or button in the table that would bring up a form or something that could do this all from the dashboard without having to go in to edit the record. Thank you!

Hannah Engelson
  • I was able to find a formula URL field that would pull up a specific new form in edit mode, but when I select the URL it comes back with the error that Mentee Record doesn't exist. 

    URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_NEW_HIRE_PILOTS] & "?a=er&dfid=12&rid=" & [Employee ID]

    Hannah Engelson
    • ChayceDuncan's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      Is Employee ID a field that you enter for each employee? Your url is saying rid=[Employee ID] but rid typically corresponds to the built in Quickbase Record ID#. Try swapping out [Employee ID] with [Record ID#] like so: 

      URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_NEW_HIRE_PILOTS] & "?a=er&dfid=12&rid=" & [Record ID#]

      Chayce Duncan
      • HannahEngelson's avatar
        Qrew Trainee

        Chayce, I saw your message right after I figured it out. Thank you for replying!

        Hannah Engelson