Forum Discussion
Does the application use Oauth2? If so - Webhooks are setup to handle Oauth credential handling but I've yet to see it work either personally or by others using it for generic third party apps that aren't configured as channels already. Your best bet honestly is to potentially reach out to support to get a Pipelines resource to work with you if possible. Oauth2 credentialing is tricky and a little questionable with how Pipelines are setup to handle it. I looked to see if anyone had previously found a solution in this forum but came up with nothing.
Chayce Duncan
Hi Chayce.
Thank you for the reply.
Yes, it is Oauth2, which I think is adding to the problem. Something tells me I'm not going to be able to get this to work 😌
Thank you anyway.
Michael White
- ChayceDuncan2 years agoQrew Captain
I would reach out to support - I don't know how QB handles Oauth2, its not in a way that I've ever seen and I know even less about how they handle the refresh token aspect. Apologies for not being very helpful, I just haven't seen enough publicly or any changes over the past couple of years that would provide any more insight.
Chayce Duncan