Forum Discussion

StephenLambrigh's avatar
Qrew Member
2 months ago

Auto Fill Time Field

When a new record is created (not saved), I would like the 'start time' to auto fill to now. With the now selected in the field settings, the time changes to 'now' when saved. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • I suggest making a darte / time field called perhaps [Form Load Date / Time] and set the field properties to default to now.

    Then make a formula Time of Day field called [Form Load Time of day] with the formula of ToTimeOfDay([Form Load Date / Time]).

    Then have a form rule that says

    when [Start Time] is blank 

    Change [Start Time] to the Value in the field [Form Load Time of day] and set that to fire all the time, Uuncheck the box).


    The result should be that it will auto populate, but can be overridden if needed.