Forum Discussion
I recall seeing Quickbase Junkie writeup with a video walkthrough, but as Chayce mentioned, that would only work by matching the Formula Query logic with the report logic. If the records are resorted, the Formula Queries won't recalculate.
Here's the Quickbase Junkie link to Rank Records Using the 'Size' Query Function.
Unfortunately, I think the simple answer to your question is "no" with native Quickbase. You'd have to leverage custom Code Pages or pull QB data into another platform.
Brian Seymour
- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
I just realized I sort of have a solution.
make a formula field or even a report formula field and with a formula of 1. Call it [Row Number]. Make a summary report contrived to have one row per record. As a last resort include the Record ID as a group by.Then include [Row Number] on the report and set the summary method to Running Totals
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)