Forum Discussion
The issue is that the parent record hast to get dirtied in order that Quickbase do the auto save. If you just edit the grid edit children the system doesn't have that same recognition.
I was just working through the same issue with a client and my solution was to make a form rule which will always make a trivial edit to the form in a dummy field. For example you could have a date time field and then have a form rule that always makes that field change to the current date time. That is enough to dirty the parent record and it will auto save when you navigate away.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
- QuickBaseJunkie3 years agoQrew Commander
@Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach) That's funny, I remember learning the form rule edit trick from you! LOL
You may be thinking of my training on %%rid%%... which also requires some change to the record to be effective.
Quick Base Junkie
Quick Base Junkie
------------------------------ - KathyHewett2 years agoQrew Member
I'm having the same issue. I have a parent table and three child tables. On the parent table form, the three child tables are displayed and have grid editors.
On the parent table, I created a 'TEST DATE' date/time field with a form rule that sets the 'TEST DATE' to the current date/time.
I don't see any changes made to the TEST DATE field when I open or save the parent record. How does the form rule need to be formatted?
Also, if the form is configured so the 'dummy' field is updated, if the user clicks the Home icon, will that save the parent and children? I do not see this happening, but wanted to verify.
Thank you.
Kathy Hewett
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
I don't see any changes made to the TEST DATE field when I open or save the parent record. How does the form rule need to be formatted?
Did you deselect that little hidden check box at the bottom of the form rule so that it does in fact fire all the time? The Form Ruke would say something like
when the date/time field is not equal to the current date time
Change date time to the current date / time.
That should work except if the user Edits the record twice in the same minute, which is certainly possible, then this formula is not going to fire. The other way to dirty the record would be to have a data entry numeric field on the record, and then a formula field equal to that field plus one. Then have a form rule that says if the data entry numeric field is not equal to the formula field then change the data entry field to the value in the form of the field.
Rules are evaluated three times so it will increment the data entry field by three.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- AllysonHewett_T2 years agoQrew Member
Thanks Mark for the information and quick response.
I did NOT deselect the hidden option. After deselecting, the TEST DATE field does update.
I do seem some impact. If the user makes a change in grid edit then clicks an "Add" button to create a new record, the form is saved and pending grid edit changes are saved.
If the user edits a record on grid edit then clicks the pencil icon on another record in grid edit, the saving does not occur. Instead, the Leave Site browser warning displays.Is there a way to have the save occur if the user has pending grid edit changes and navigates to an existing grid edit record?
Thank you for your insight!
Allyson Hewett_Test