Forum Discussion

NathanAllan4's avatar
Qrew Cadet
6 years ago

Automatic User Assignment

I have a field called Assigned To in my Tasks Table which is related to my Jobs table. (1 Job has many Tasks). When a job is created I have an automation running that creates tasks related to that job. I would also like to fill in the assigned to field as a specific user for some of the tasks I'm auto-creating, but haven't been able to figure that out. Any help would be much appreciated!
  • In your automation - there are a few options for how you can fill in the [Assigned To] user field.

    This example is assuming that [Assigned To] is a single User field.

    You would be doing this in the Automation Action where you are Adding the Task, or Modifying the Task.

    Option 1)  Assign to a specific user with their email address
    - you can put in the email address associated with that Quick Base user - into the [Assigned To] user field, and it would use that user accordingly

    Field = [Assigned To] 
    Source = Type a value
    Value =     

    This would be hardcoding and typing the email address directly in your Action.

    Option 2)  Assign to a specific user with a user field 
    - you can change the value of [Assigned To] with a user field

    Field = [Assigned To]
    Source = Copy value from another record
    Value = (a user field from the original Trigger record - such as Record Owner, Last Modified By, or a Formula User field that you have, etc.)

    You can also use a Formula Text field which gives the email address of the user you'd like to assign, and that would work as well.

    Hope this helps!
  • This is great! Option 1 achieves what I was trying to do! I had tried a formula user field before, but for whatever reason I wasn't given that option in the value dropdown in the automation window. But we're okay now, I've accomplished what I was trying to do. Thank you again for your help!