Forum Discussion

AmandaTorrisi's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Automatically Import Multiple Records into a Parent Table

I am trying to create a scenario in which a user chooses an option from a drop down box in order to create several new records. 
For example, if they choose "weld consumables" from a drop down, all the records from another table that are also marked as a "weld consumables" would populate on the parent record. 
It is possible that the parent records would need several different types of consumables so this would need to be able to happen more than once on a single parent. 
I have tried to do this with both actions and automations but am getting nowhere. 
Any idea? 
Thank you

Amanda Torrisi

1 Reply

  • You can easily do this with an Automation.

    The trigger is record created or edited and the field for [option from drop down box] has changed.

    The action will be to copy records from another table.  The copy step will have a filter to copy the records were that product category matches the trigger record.

    Be sure to populate the field for [Related Parent] from the 'values from trigger record [Record ID#] or else you will create Orphans.   it's a bit obscure where to click to get at the trigger record fields....  it's a small twisty at the bottom of the list of fields from the source table.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
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