Forum Discussion
What specifically do you need to audit? Are you trying to track individual field changes or just that a record was updated? Pipelines works much the same way as Automations, slightly different syntax.
For example if you have a Project Status Field that you want to audit changes to, you can use as an example {{a.project_status}} and {{a.$prev.project_status}} and you could create a log entry in a table that shows the new and old status along with who changed it and when.
Unfortunately Audit Logs given how far and wide they could/would be used if they were a standard feature make them something you'll have to handle on a case by case basis. I do various audit logs where I do the above and set conditions to see first if each field changes between its current and previous value, and it they're different I create an audit entry logging the old and new, who changed it, and when they changed it.
Chayce Duncan