This is how I currently have my formulas set up. However, I am receiving the error "Expecting boolean but found text" on the highlighted portion.
//Exclude from Report
If([Installation Stage]="Refused", "N/A",
[Installation Stage]="Remove from Scope", "N/A",
[Installation Stage]="Cancelled", "N/A",
[Installation Stage]="Pending", "N/A",
[Installation Stage]="3rd Party Pending", "N/A",
If([Installation Stage]="Planned" or [Installation Stage]="Installed" and [Target Installation Date]=null, "Error - No Target Date",
//On Time v. Past Due
If([Installation Stage]="Planned" and Today()<=[Target Installation Date], "On Time",
If([Installation Stage]="Planned" and Today()>([Target Installation Date]+Days(3))=true, "Past Due"),
If([Installation Stage]="Installed" and [Actual Installation Date]<=[Target Installation Date], "On Time",
If([Installation Stage]="Installed" and [Actual Installation Date]>([Target Installation Date]+Days(3)), "Past Due")
Jennifer Hall