Forum Discussion
Also are you adding children manually with an Add Record button? Or do you also need Grid Edit or other methods to create children.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
- KellyLyons13 years agoQrew CadetHii Mark,
Yes I am aware and have a button on the parent table to "Add" a child record, but it only populates the name on the account. When I add the record from the actual account in the parent it does auto populate the account name, but I also I am trying to get specific fields to auto populate. Otherwise I still have to fill in the same data over and over.
I add the child record more often from the child table itself, and sometimes use grid edit if I have multiple records to add I use grid edit as well.
Either way I want the details from certain field to fill in once I have selected the account. I would like the fields to be editable in case I need to make a change.
Maybe I am just not setting things up correctly?
Kelly Lyons
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You3 years ago
Qrew Legend
If you are creating a Child by a button on the Parent record you can populate any field like this
URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_TIME_RECORDS] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm"
& "&_fid_11=" & URLEncode ([Record ID#])
& "&_fid_21=" & [Related Client]
& "&z=" & Rurl()you just specify the field to be populated and what goes in it. if the field is a text field its safest to wrap it in URLEncode. The internet does not like certain characters in the code.
But if you're adding children via grid edit then you are going to have to build a pipeline to populate those fields when the record is created.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- KellyLyons3 years agoQrew Trainee
Great, sounds easy enough and can I populate several fields from this button, or do I need to separate button for each field I want to do it for???
As always, thank you!
Kelly Lyons