Forum Discussion
- QuickBaseCoachDQrew CaptainWell in its simplest from that is a numeric formula field.
Todays([end date]-[start date])- CasameiraReyesQrew CadetI have tried this and it still isn't calculating properly. The field is set as duration formula, should this be different?
- QuickBaseCoachDQrew CaptainMy formula sbive is for a formula numeric field. Change your field.m type to that.
- CeceliaMartinQrew CadetThanks. How would I do the above but saying but add one day?
- QuickBaseCoachDQrew CaptainTodays([end date]-[start date]) + 1
- CeceliaMartinQrew Cadetthanks again. Another question on this. I have a field called Budget Weeks. I want to simply say Take Budget weeks * 7 (so I can get an approx number of days)
- CeceliaMartinQrew CadetOh...never mind...figured it out! Sum([Budget Weeks])*7
- QuickBaseCoachDQrew Captainwhy the sum?
Budget Weeks] * 7 - RobertAsburyQrew Member
I am trying to get a duration as well and for some reason this is not working.
ToDays([Date Responded]-[Form Recorded Date])
It says expecting duration but found number? Both fields are date fields. I am thoroughly confused.
- QuickBaseCoachDQrew CaptainSet the field to be type formula numeric. It is set to be formula duration.
or if you really do want the result to be a duration field type, then get rid of the ToDays( ....
ToDays( ) converts a Duration to the Numeric # of Days. - NicoleCordeiroQrew TraineeThis was super helpful! Thanks!! So I got the field to give me the amount of days between dates, is there a way to convert those days to months or years?
- QuickBaseCoachDQrew CaptainIt depends how accurate it needs to be as to the complexity if the formula. It also depends if you want decimals.
The low tech way to Years is to just divide by 365.25. For months to multiply by 12/365.25.
The actual syntax will depend on whether your days calculation is a duration field or a numeric field.