Forum Discussion

ZeeAli's avatar
Qrew Member
6 years ago

Can a table have more than one foreign key?

I have an app that I am designing (originally in MS Access) that has 4 tables with the following fields (primary keys in bold)

1) Employee: EmployeeID, Employee #, First Name, Last Name
2) CertificationIssuers: _CertificationIssuerID_, IssuerFullName, IssuerShortName
3) Certifications: _CertificationID_, IssuerID (foreign key), Certification Name, Description
4) EmployeeCertifications: _EmployeeCertID_, CertificationID (foreign key from Certifications Table) EmployeeID (foreign key from Employee Table) IssueDate, ExpiryDate, CertificationNumber 

I wanted to know if it's possible to set up the relationships this way such that Table 4 (EmployeeCertifications) can have two foreign keys from other tables that are NOT primary keys within the EmployeeCertifications Table itself?

Would a composite key made up of EmployeeID+Employee CertID make more sense?

In the end I want to be able to run queries/reports that can show me all of the employees that have certification ABC for example or all employees that have certification ABC that are expired, etc. 

Hope this makes sense!
