Forum Discussion
2 years agoQrew Captain
Any change to Grid Edit Behavior?
Any chance to trigger link in Grid Edit (Rich Text field or another)?
Adam Krzyzanek
2 years agoQrew Captain
Kind reminder :)
Adam Krzyzanek
- TimD2 years agoQrew Trainee
The short answer is No and i don't think i've seen any plans to update the grid edit, but i could be wrong
Tim D
------------------------------- AdamKrzyzanek2 years agoQrew Captain
I was afraid of this, but wanted to check if anything changed.
Maybe with "New Style" Grid Edit when it will come it will be solved :)
Adam Krzyzanek
------------------------------ - DavidBruton7 months agoQrew Member
I have a solution that is working for me. Use a rich text formula field and add "style='z-index: 1000; position: relative;'" as shown in the example below.
"<a target='_new' href='XXXXXX' style='z-index: 1000; position: relative;'>Link</a>"
- MarkShnier__You7 months ago
Qrew Legend
Wow, thx for posting!