Forum Discussion

LoriDavidson's avatar
Qrew Trainee
8 years ago

Can I add a signature field on a form?

Hi, I am looking to add a signature field in a few of my forms.   I do not have the budget to use one of the Quickbase providers to create this field/feature.   Does a QuickBase user have the ability to create this type of field?   If so, how does it work?  Thanks!

5 Replies

  • It would be possible to have Signatures stored in QuickBase as a jpg image.  Then you could control who could push a button and then that signature would be displayed on the record as to who "signed it:".  But the user would be pushing a button, not actually "signing" the screen with their finger.
  • Thank you for your reply.  Is there a way to have this form sent to people outside my company to sign and return with an electronic signature?

  • Do you mean like actual signature capture without using any 3rd party add ons?  if so, there is not a way to do that using native QuickBase.
  • Thank you for you help!  I think your initial response would work very well for another project I am working on.  If possible can you let me know some of the steps I have to take to add this feature?  I am guessing I have store the JPEGs where I store my other files (logos, etc) then how do I create the button to show the options for the signatures...I may have five to ten that are needed.  Can the button be passcode protected to prevent others from using it?


  • You should be able to get this working with a lookup field to that table of images.  This would be a formula text field with html enabled.

    "<img src=" & URLRoot() & "up/" & [_DBID_Table where the images are stored]  & "/a/r" & [Related Image] & "/e22/v0" & " height=\"100\">"

    Replace the 22 with the fid of the file attachment field where the signature image is stored.  I have not tested that formula for syntax, so ket me know of there is a problem.

    As for security, lets get the image working and then we will figure out security access.