Forum Discussion

mjx's avatar
Qrew Member
26 days ago

Can subscription reports be sent to multiple recipients in same message

I'm finding that when I select a group of users to receive a report subscription, the email is sent separately to each recipient.

This is not terribly useful for management reports. I would like the group of recipients to be included on the message together, so that users can "reply-all" and discuss, ask questions of the data in the report.

Is there a way to accomplish this in subscription settings?




  • Not with Subscriptions .... but with the newer Build Your Own Custom emails, and if you are on the Business Plan level (not Teams Level), then you can set cc and bcc recipients. You need to turn on a Realm Level Policy setting to allow the cc and bcc.


    • mjx's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Thanks Mark! Will play around with that, looks like what I need!