Forum Discussion
Qrew Legend
4 years agonp, (but there is a trick)
I am going to make the assumption that you were using address fields in QuickBase. This is a special field type which it's really six subfields combined into one field on the form.
You can do a look up of those six individual address subfields from the customer down to your jobs table. Then you can have a form rule that says this.
Multiple conditions are true
Street address 1 is blank
[Ship to same as Customer Address] is checked.
Change [Address Street 1] the value in the field [Customer Address Street 1 (lookup)]
Change [Address Street 1] the value in the field [Customer Address Street 2 (lookup)]
etc for the other 4 address sub fields.
The only reason you might want to check if Street address one is blank is just in case you want to prevent someone from accidentally checking that box and overriding information that was manually entered in the ship to field. But maybe you don't want that extra condition.
Mark Shnier (YQC)
Quick Base Solution Provider
Your Quick Base Coach
I am going to make the assumption that you were using address fields in QuickBase. This is a special field type which it's really six subfields combined into one field on the form.
You can do a look up of those six individual address subfields from the customer down to your jobs table. Then you can have a form rule that says this.
Multiple conditions are true
Street address 1 is blank
[Ship to same as Customer Address] is checked.
Change [Address Street 1] the value in the field [Customer Address Street 1 (lookup)]
Change [Address Street 1] the value in the field [Customer Address Street 2 (lookup)]
etc for the other 4 address sub fields.
The only reason you might want to check if Street address one is blank is just in case you want to prevent someone from accidentally checking that box and overriding information that was manually entered in the ship to field. But maybe you don't want that extra condition.
Mark Shnier (YQC)
Quick Base Solution Provider
Your Quick Base Coach